We are going to investigate and experience how interaction-formats can make traditional meetings more fun, more alive and more useful. You will learn about opportunities and how to use them.
This way you can help speakers to convey their message better and make sure that participants learn to process what they have learned and apply it in actual practice.
We work in groups of up to 15 persons per trainer. Throughout the day, you will be working on your own project, enabling you to apply new insights straight away.
Preferably, you bring a program that is still being developed. However, it is also quite acceptable to bring a program that you have already participated in or executed.
Components that we will get to work with are:
Each option we offer can be implemented with limited means, within any budget and any (existing) program. Making it easy for everybody to achieve a better result.
The meetings of Hans Etman are all about dialogue, balance and effectiveness. He is very experienced at leading (heated) public participation meetings. Hans gives training and workshops in moderation, presentation skills and non-verbal communication.
Jan-Jaap In der Maur leads meetings known for their dynamics, interaction and effectiveness. Worldwide, he trains and coaches people to moderate. Jan-Jaap is also co-developer of the very successful workshop Mastering Moderation. Furthermore, he has received several awards for designing interactive programs.